Tara day in 2022 — puja and mantra practices to bring the swift saving and healing activity of tara into your life

HAPPY TARA DAY! Every day is Tara day, although typically we celebrate especially on the eighth day of the lunar month — Oct 3, 2022 this month — is auspicious for Tara practice. The second auspicious day for Tara Puja is on the Full Moon Day, which is also Medicine Buddha Puja Day. (First day of the lunar month is the day of the NEW MOON in your time zone.)
Today is Tara Day (8th day of Lunar) Monday October 3, 2022Next Tara Day is November 1, 2022

Tara Days for 2022 (on Western Calendar)

April 9, 2022 (and April 14 full moon which is shared Medicine Buddha / Tara Puja Day)May 9, 2022 (and May 16 which is Vesak Buddha Day, full moon which is shared Medicine Buddha / Tara Puja Day)June 7, 2022 (and June 14 which is Buddha’s Enlightenment Day, full moon which is shared Medicine Buddha / Tara Puja Day)July 7, 2022  (and July 13 which is Asala Dharma Day, full moon which is shared Medicine Buddha / Tara Puja Day)August 5, 2022 (and Aug 12 full moon which is shared Medicine Buddha / Tara Puja Day)September 4, 2022 (and Sept 10 full moon which is shared Medicine Buddha / Tara Puja Day)October 3, 2022 (and Oct 9 full moon which is shared Medicine Buddha / Tara Puja Day)November 1, 2022 (and Nov 8 full moon which is shared Medicine Buddha / Tara Puja Day)December 1, 2022  (and Dec 7 full moon which is shared Medicine Buddha / Tara Puja Day)


Meritorious activities for Her day

Her mantra: Om Tare Tuttare Ture Svaha

Any Dharma activity

Vegetarian or Vegan for the day

21 Praises of Tara (below)

Any Tara practice or Sadhana.

Bạn đang xem: Tara day in 2022 — puja and mantra practices to bring the swift saving and healing activity of tara into your life

Offerings khổng lồ Tara (seven or eight bowls of water representing the sensory offerings)

Try the đôi mươi minutes Green Tara meditation và practice (below) or the Tara mantra video

Tea or torma activity offering (see simple dedication below.)

Tara’s mantra chanted/sung by Yoko Dharma:

Helpful practice và information links on Tara

Tara’s mantra, a complete practice

If chanted with wisdom & understanding, Tara’s mantra is a complete practice, especially if chanted formally in meditation while visualizing Tara:


Tibetan Pronunciation



21 English Praises: Singable

Around the world, Tibetan Buddhists start each day with the 21 praises (and often over it the same way. Usually, it’s chanted multiple times throughout the day. There are many stories of miraculous rescues from Tara for people chanting this praise with faith — see “Tara’s rescues and saving power.“
There are various English versions of the chant (the most traditional version under the heading “Traditional Translation” below). However, there is one version that has the rhythm for sung chanting — in Tibetan và Sanskrit, the praise is an equal number of syllables. This version is a little fast if you are new khổng lồ the Praise (try slowing the đoạn phim on YouTube khổng lồ .75x). The tốc độ is designed around the idea of (ideally) three sessions of 2, 3, and 7 repetitions.
Each verse of the praise is a homage to lớn one of Tara’s 21 emanations, each with a different “activity” specialty (illness, wealth, etc.) Please see our other features on the praise for commentaries on the deeper meanings of the praise.
21 verses of Praise to lớn Tara in English (singing text in đoạn clip and also below.):


Noble Lady Tara we bow to lớn you

Praise to lớn Tara, swift and galant,

your glance that flashes lượt thích flares of lightning,

Born from the face of the triple world’s lord,

you rose on the heart of a blossoming lotus.

Praise khổng lồ you whose face resembles

a hundred autumn full moons together,

Your radiance lượt thích the clearest of stars,

blazing with hundreds of brilliant light rays.

Praise to lớn you whose hand is graced with

a lotus flower blue-gold in color,

You show generosity, diligence, fortitude,

patience, serenity, meditation.

Praise to lớn you whose acts are boundless,

the jewel on the great Tathagata’s crown.

You are served by all bodhisattvas,

those who have reached complete perfection.

Praise to lớn you, with HUM và TUTTARA

fulfilling all wishes lớn the bounds of space.

YOu trample underfoot all seven worlds;

you have the strength khổng lồ summon all.

Praise! Lady, greatly adored by Anala, Brahma, Maruts, & Shiva.

All the hosts of vetalas & spirits,

ghandarvas và yaksas to lớn you pay honor.

Praise lớn you, who with TRAD and the PHAT quickly

overthrow schemes và wicked practice.

With rightleg bent và left leg extended,

stamping, you shine amid flames wildly blazing.

Praise khổng lồ you fleet footed, ferocious,

destroying even the most powerful demons,

your lotus-face và brow deep furrowed

-every foe, how swiftly you slay them!

Praise! Your fingers gracing your heart,

displaying the mudra of the three jewels,

Your wheel, adorning every direction,

a fierce whirling mass of your own self-radiance.

Praise! Blessed with a splendorous crown,

bright, majestic, supremely joyous.

Laughing and smiling, thrum of TUTTARA,

you overcome the realm of demons.

Praise lớn you! You summon whole legions

of earthly guardians from all directions.

With HUM rumbling deep in your frown,

you free us all from every misfortune.

Xem thêm: 12 Công Dụng Tuyệt Vời Của Vaseline Dưỡng Môi Có Công Dụng Gì

Praise, Lady, brightly adorned,

the crest on your crown a sliver of moon,

Your locks always graced by Amithaba,

his gleaming light rays endlessly streaming.

Praise khổng lồ you in a blazing halo

of flames all consuming, apocalyptic,

With right leg stretched out & left leg bent inward,

the whirl of enemies blissfully crushing.

Praise to you, on the ground of earth

striking your palms và thund’ring your feet.

The HUM that streams from your furrowing brow

smashes lớn dust the netherworlds seven.

Praise, Lady, gracious và blissful,

you who encompass the peace of nirvana.

With OM and SVAHA, in perfect union,

you lay khổng lồ waste every terrible evil.

Praise lớn you immersed in bliss,

you shatter the bodies of all your foes.

you shine with the wisdom-syllable HUM,

stamping out your ten-syllable mantra.

Praise Swift One, your foot stomping boldly

sowing the seed of the syllable HUM,

While Meru, Mandara, the Vindva Mountains,

and all the three worlds quiver và tremble.

Praise, Goddess! In your hand is a

deer-marked moon, a lake -like pool.

With TARA twice & then with PHAT,

you neutralize every plague & poison.

Praise! Queen of hosts divine!

Gods & kinnaras willingly serve you,

At play immersed in sheerest joy, you

clear away nightmares, soothe away strife.

Praise to you, clear-eyed, all-seeing,.

like the bright sun, & the full moon.

With twice uttered HARA và then with TUTTARA,

you pacify even the fiercest diseases.

Praise to lớn you of the three-fold nature,

filled with power và boundless grace,

Profoundly swift, your devastation

of hosts of graha, vetala, and yaksha

Root. Mantra supreme and joyful praises-

– these are the twenty-one verses of homage.

NOTE: Translation: TTE team: Heidi Koppl, Libby Hogg. Vocal and production: Rodrigo Reijers. Mixed by Flin van Hemmen. Courtesy VajraSound>>

20-Minute Tara Meditation

Follow along with Venerable Zasep Rinpoche, tác giả of Tara in the Palm of Your Hand, for a guided 20-minute meditation and practice of Tara

Tea or Torma offering

Bopar Rinpoche, in his wonderful book Tara The Feminine Divine, recommends that in addition lớn general offerings of water bowls, flowers, incense, that someone seeking a special activity from the great Saving Goddess consider a Torma (cake) offering. Likewise, the same offering can be made as hot tea — traditionally indicating “activity offering.”

For special occasions, or in special places (here, the Holy place of Bodhghaya) the offerings tend lớn be even more elaborate. Note, especially, the gigantic Torma cakes with elaborate symbolism. On your altar, khổng lồ Tara, you would present whatever cakes you have — even a cupcake or muffin.

After presenting and purifying the offering — OM AH HUM being a widely used purification mantra — he suggests the traditional activity dedication (substitute “tea offering” as appropriate):

“Tara, You who fully rejoice in the mandala creation, consume this well-made offering torma. Give me & people around me: health, life, power, glory, fame, luck, & abundent wealth. Give me the accomplishments of activities, such as purification, increase & others. You who have made the promise protect me, give me the support of all accomplishments. Brush away untimely death and illness, demons and creators of obstacles. Brush away bad dreams, inauspicious signs & unwholesome acts. Make the world happy, the years excellent, the harvest bountiful. Make the Dharma spread, happiness perfect and may all my wishes be realized.”

NOTE: If it makes you feel awkward to lớn demand so many wonderful activities, there’s no need lớn be. Tara will provide what our karma and our needs dictate.

In the Surya Gupta tradition of 21 Taras, each Tara manifests with different appearances. This symbolizes her Enlightened activities. For a feature on the 21 Taras according khổng lồ Surya Gupta tradition, see our three-part series>>