Are you ready nghĩa là gì

Secret information allowed the police lớn be ready and waiting when the robbers came out of the bank.

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Học những từ bạn cần giao tiếp một phương pháp tự tin. A demand by the court to lớn pay the tax claim immediately would destroy the firm because it does not have enough ready cash. In consequence paint manufacturers who have specialised in paints suitable for war purposes will in many cases have readied record turnover figures. Although one individual might be able khổng lồ afford a case costing him £5,000, he might find it much more difficult lớn produce the readies for a case costing him £100,000. We have readied a perfect state of things in the railway world, wherein a man or woman charged with wrongful conduct has to be informed of the complaint. People were ready to combine efforts to obstruct any further act of (re)presentation in order lớn prevent their loss of control over it. However, as the vehicle was readied for production, this emphasis on tractor-like usage decreased and the centre steering proved impractical in use. The others " " did their bit" " - as they are ready khổng lồ boast - " " in work of national importance" ". những quan điểm của những ví dụ thiết yếu hiện cách nhìn của các chỉnh sửa viên hoặc của University Press hay của các nhà cấp phép.

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