Cớ sao nghỉ việc vậy kim tập 1

Young Joon has never been turned down by anyone for his entire life. However, Kim ngươi So, his secretary, suddenly tells him that she will quit her job. Young Joon tries everything he can to make mày So stay.

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Young Joon does not really understand why ngươi So wants to quit her job, so he proposes lớn Mi So lớn keep her on his side forever. To lớn his great surprise, ngươi So rejects Young Joon"s proposal và leaves him dumbfounded và even more confused.
Mi So, who only cared about her job, goes out on a blind date. Young Joon hears about mày So trying to get into a relationship & feels anxious about mi So being with other guys.
Young Joon"s brother Sung Yeon returns to lớn Korea after 3 years abroad to lớn visit his family. However, something is not quite right the way Young Joon greets his long waited brother home.
Love và an ordinary way of life are not in Vice Chairman Lee"s repertoire, but he makes a valiant effort to lớn profess his feelings to lớn Mi So, his personal secretary, who feels otherwise.
Mi So requests a leave for the first time in her nine years of service. Young Joon, who can"t giảm giá khuyến mãi with mày So"s absence, misses his secretary so dearly that he compromises to resolve his loneliness by joining mi So on her day off.
Secretary Kim grows closer khổng lồ Sung Yeon knowing he was the one she was with when she was kidnapped. The sight of Secretary Kim and Sung Yeon together drives Vice Chairman Lee mad.
Young Joon invites her khổng lồ his house for dinner. Although she has visited his house almost every day for the last eight years, mày So feels totally different this time and gets very nervous. Young Joon awaits her with a surprise gift lớn make her heart melt.
It seems making their relationship official does have its drawbacks. Their roles clash with each other"s desire that gets the whole office lớn notice, & puts mày So in a position khổng lồ set things right.
Mi So doesn"t really understand why the whole family of her boss khủng is lying about his real identity. To confirm her speculation, she pays a visit lớn Young Joon"s mother and finds a clue that might lead lớn her childhood hero.

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Lee Sung Yeon realizes why his brother, Lee Young Joon, never pitied his suffering because he knew all along it was him who was kidnapped & not Lee Sung Yeon. Ngươi So wakes up finally knowing the person she had searched all this time is standing in front of her.
Young Joon can"t help himself but worries about mày So because now she remembers what really happened when she was kidnapped. Young Joon persuades mày So khổng lồ let him move into her studio for a while.
Young Joon goes on a business trip for a week but works through it as fast as he can to lớn come back to Korea khổng lồ spend more time with mày Soo. Ngươi Soo is busy và unable to spend time frustrating Young Joon.
Rumors of mày So spread across the company that she gets ahead by her charming looks lớn seduce her boss, và people speak ill of her. Mày So"s last day at work is coming up. Mi So gets herself ready to lớn leave Yumyung group once và for all.
Mi So"s dad approves Young Joon as his son-in-law under one condition, a proper marriage proposal. Young Joon is faced with the greatest challenge of his life. Sung Yeon gives him tips on how he should propose to Mi So.
After the proposal, Young Joon và Mi So"s wedding preparations are on track. Young Joon wants khổng lồ become a perfect husband as he promised, so he plans a perfect wedding for mày So & himself.
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